Wednesday 10 March 2010

Dr Burke, Romans and Adoption

Today I'm spending a bit of time in a coffee shop (turns out the coffee shop I'm in is a gay coffee shop- is this what missional means?) studying the book of Romans. I have always loved this book, however it really became alive for me when I took a class at Moody Bible Institute with Dr Burke. Dr Burke is a Legend!!! he's a Irish Prof. that has spent some time teaching in various area in the world including Fiji, Wales and I believe Nigeria. Burke took us through Romans verse by verse and more often than not word by word. Burke showed us the theological themes that are weaved thought Romans. I loved that Burke took time to explain each theological concept in depth with passion instead of just rushing through. I particularly enjoyed the teaching on predestination.
If you are a moody student- take a class with Burke! You will be in for a treat!

Burke has written a fascinating book on Adoption. Adoption really is Burke's baby. The book covers various issues but the main point is that as Christians, we are adopted into the family of God. How awesome... D. A Carson another Legend reviews Burke's book:

“Not only the importance of God’s family, but also the enormous privilege of belonging to it, are powerfully underscored by Paul’s understanding of what it means to be the adopted sons of God. With such themes in view, a wide array of pastoral implications soon springs to light. In other words, this volume not only probes a neglected theme – it also edifies”

Too read an interview with Dr. Burke Re: his book click here

1 comment:

  1. turns out it wasnt a gay coffee shop just had lots of gay people in it.
